Orthoflex GEL®


What is ORTHOFLEX Gel?

ORTHOFLEX Gel® is a bio-matrix in the form of a sterile, viscoelastic solution.

a combination of highly purified cross-linked biopolymers: Hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and n-acetylglucosamine.

ORTHOFLEX Gel® is an intra-articular injectable viscoelastic gel used to treat osteoarthritis and comes in a prefilled, single-dose syringe.

ORTHOFLEX Gel® is very similar to the synovial fluid that naturally occurs in joints, where it acts as a lubricant and shock absorber.


ORTHOFLEX Gel® contains:

•Hyaluronic acid: 36 mg / 2.25 ml,

•Chondroitin sulfate: 67.5 mg / 2.25 ml

• Glucosamine 67.5 mg / 2.25 ml.

The high molecular weight of the gel (3.0 milDA) guarantees its excellent effectiveness and a strong therapeutic effect.



Much more effective when used together! 


How does it work?


How does it work?

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of joint fluid and cartilage, providing mechanical support.

It is responsible for lubrication and cushioning in the joints.


Chondroitin Sulfate is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body. It is an important component of cartilage -

tough connective tissue that cushions joints.


Chondroitin Sulfate provides nutrients to joint cartilage. for the body to heal and repair itself

It needs nutrition and Chondroitin Sulfate provides the body with building blocks to produce new cartilage.

It has been proven to stimulate the growth of new joint cartilage.


It may also block enzymes that degrade cartilage and prevent the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors.


Elasticity and plasticity, which are the functions of articular cartilage, can be preserved with the use of Chondroitin Sulfate.

Glucosamine plays a vital role in cartilage construction and repair.


One of the primary physiological roles of glucosamine is in joints, where it stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and other important structural components of cartilage.

Glucosamine is now recognized as an essential substance for maintaining healthy joints.


Studies have shown that Glucosamine and Chondroitin complement each other in inhibiting the production of inflammatory cells.


How does it work?


How does it work?

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of joint fluid and cartilage, providing mechanical support.

It is responsible for lubrication and cushioning in the joints.


Chondroitin Sulfate is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body. It is an important component of cartilage -

tough connective tissue that cushions joints.

 Chondroitin Sulfate provides nutrients to joint cartilage. for the body to heal and repair itself

It needs nutrition and Chondroitin Sulfate provides the body with building blocks to produce new cartilage.

It has been proven to stimulate the growth of new joint cartilage.

 It may also block enzymes that degrade cartilage and prevent the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors.

 Elasticity and plasticity, which are the functions of articular cartilage, can be preserved with the use of Chondroitin Sulfate.

Glucosamine plays a vital role in cartilage construction and repair.


One of the primary physiological roles of glucosamine is in joints, where it stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and other important structural components of cartilage.

Glucosamine is now recognized as an essential substance for maintaining healthy joints.

 Studies have shown that Glucosamine and Chondroitin complement each other in inhibiting the production of inflammatory cells.


What is the treatment?

ORTHOFLEX Gel® should be applied into the joint twice a year, strictly every 6 months, according to doctor's recommendations.

Any existing joint effusion

ORTHOFLEX Gel® is removed by joint aspiration before being injected.

After the injection, approximately 24 hours of joint rest (no strenuous exercise) is recommended to prolong the effect. General rest and applying ice to the injected joint are helpful.










Molecular weight:





Shelf life:



Hyaluronic acid, Chondroitin sulfate,

N-acetyl glucosamine

Adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis, pain after arthroscopy, following meniscus repair and previous cruciate ligament reconstruction, osteochondral defects

Hyaluronic acid - 36mg/2.25ml Chondroitin

sulphate - 67.5mg/2.25ml

N-acetyl glucosamine - 6.75mg/2.25ml

1 injection per treatment

3 MilDa

Cartilage repair, mobility improvement, pain relief

2.25 ml pre-filled syringe in medical blister autoclave


2 years

Between +2°C and +25°C