Arthrex PowerPick®


It provides a quick and easy method to perform bone and cartilage stimulation procedures using the PowerPick shaver machine system. The PowerPick device has a drilling depth of 4 mm, and the PowerPick XL device has a drilling depth of 6 mm. The additional 2 mm depth of the XL device allows adequate penetration into subchondral bone in cases where positioning the drill bit vertically is difficult.

PowerPick instruments have many applications, including micropunching lesions within the knee, ankle or shoulder prior to BioCartilage® supplementation; microdrilling of the femoral notch footprint for an ACL repair to create a bleeding bone bed; and used to create bone marrow punctures to allow autologous biologics to flow into the repair environment.

PowerPick instruments are also ideal for measuring osteochondral defects using the distal edge of the laser mark 5 mm from the sheath tip as a guide.

Using the drill bit to mark the tunnel position within the femoral notch or footprint is another useful practice when using the anteromedial over-the-top technique for ACL reconstruction. 

Using a 2 mm wide laser mark, the approximate tunnel location can be determined via the medial portal by placing the tip of the sheath in the upper position.

The proximal edge of the laser mark, 7 mm from the end of the sheath, is used to reference the center of a 10 mm tunnel in the single-beam ACL technique.