What is a stem cell?


Stem cells are the cells that form the structure of all tissues and organs in the body. Stem cells, which can transform into all cells in the organism and are defined as mother cells, are located in every region of the body where they are needed. Thus, it plays a role in the regeneration of all diseased or damaged tissues and organs. By transforming into the needed cell type; It repairs organ and tissue damage or loss caused by disease, injury and other reasons. Thanks to their dividing structure, they can transform into muscle or blood cells while also playing a role in the formation of stem cells of the same type. Stem cells, of which there are many different types, play an important role in the first stages of development while the person is still in the womb, enabling the formation of organs and tissues. Unlike these cells, which are defined as embryonic stem cells, there are somatic stem cells in the human body. In addition to somatic stem cells, known as tissue-specific or adult stem cells, there are also induced pluripotent stem cells, defined as iPS cells. With the development of technology and medical science, many different types of diseases can be treated by transplanting stem cells, which can also be taken from fat tissue or bone marrow to another person. The stem cell, which can be given directly to the patient intravenously or transferred directly to the damaged organ, can multiply when it enters the patient's body, transform into the cells needed by the organism, and repair the diseased tissue or organ. 


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Stem Cells and Their Types

Stem Cells are the main cells that form all tissues and organs in our body. There are many different cells in an organ. When stem cells are damaged by cells in tissues or organs; It transforms into cells and treats organs and tissues. They have unlimited divisibility abilities. Stem cells are actually constantly active, providing the renewal of our entire body or the treatment of necessary areas. If it is directed collectively to a certain area, it ensures the healing of that area. 

Nowadays, it has been found that much more stem cells can be easily obtained than those obtained from the blood cells, fat tissues and bone marrow in our body. Likewise, it has been discovered that tissues taken from our body can be grown in the laboratory. Thus, Stem Cells have become usable in the treatment of almost all diseases.


Common features of stem cells

  • They can be propagated in a suitable growth environment.

    They have unlimited reproduction abilities.

    They transform into the cells they touch and treat the tissues and organs formed by the cells.

    They can renew themselves or maintain their own cell populations.

    They have the potential to repair this tissue and make it functional following an injury to a part of the body.

Adult stem cells are different from cells taken from embryos and fetuses and are found in tissues that develop in humans or animals after birth. However, the best place to obtain these cells is the bone marrow, which is located in the center of some bones. Bone marrow is generally taken from the bone section behind the upper hip bone called "Iliac Crest". In the bone marrow; There are different types of stem cells, including hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are known to form blood and are used in the treatment of blood disorders such as leukemia or anemia; It is known that endothelial stem cells treat the vascular system (arteries and veins), that is, they are used in treatments related to the vessels. It is known that mesenchymal stem cells turn into approximately one hundred different cells; these are many different cells such as bone, cartilage, muscle, nerve, liver and pancreas cells. 

Methods to Obtain Stem Cells

1-SVF – Stromal Vascular Fraction

When it is understood that stem cells can be obtained from fat tissue, fat cells are first separated by various enzymatic and mechanical processes to reach the cells in the fat, and the remaining complex stem cell suspension, which contains many different cells together, is called SVF. It contains many cell types found in adults. These contain 80-100 different stem cell groups with therapeutic properties, such as mesenchymal, which has the ability to transform into different cells, hematopoietic, which forms blood cells, endothelial, which treats vessels, and fibroblast, which forms connective tissues. Since it contains many cells, when given to the patient intravenously, the cells it contains are used as therapeutic cells by the relevant areas. If desired, cells can be specially separated from within the SVF; It can be propagated separately and used in different treatments.

Likewise, in diseases such as burns and autoimmune system, where more than one cell needs to be treated together, the cells are used collectively without being separated.

2-BMAC – Bone marrow 

BMAC (Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate) is obtained from the crista of the ilium bone using a needle, either under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. On average, there are approximately 440 billion cells in a leg bone.

It is possible to take hematopoietic stem cells from one person and transfer them to another person (Allogeneic), or to the same person in the future (Autologous). If the donor and recipient are compatible, the transferred cells migrate to the marrow and start producing blood cells. Stem cells are generally either removed from the top of the ilium under general anesthesia (this process requires many needle sticks) or certain drugs are used to release the stem cells from the bone into the bloodstream, then these cells are isolated from the blood and the blood taken from the donor is given back to the donor.

They are obtained by taking a biopsy from the femur or pelvis and purifying the stem cells. In addition, they are obtained by first administering medication to the donors, allowing the stem cells to enter the blood, and then collecting the stem cells from the blood using the apheresis method. These are the methods used in Bone Marrow Transplantation centers and their effectiveness has been proven. 


3-PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma — Blood Cells

How is PRP obtained and how does it work?

Blood is taken from the area of our body with the most active vascular activity, and the platelet-derived growth factors are separated and enriched by various centrifugation methods.

Platelets activate and accelerate healing. When you are injured, they travel through your bloodstream to damaged tissues and release proteins called growth factors. They secrete many different growth factors, and each triggers the cellular activities necessary for healing.

What is PRP (platelet derived growth factors) used for?

Accelerates new blood vessel formation and skin healing and repair,

Activates healing mechanisms in nearby cells,

Attracts stem cells to the area where it is administered (fast healing and repair),

Regulates inflammation,

Protects healthy tissues,

It creates the infrastructure that supports new tissue growth.

We can achieve all these results by injecting PRP directly into the tissues. (PRP for Face, PRP for Hair)

Platelet-derived growth factors contain a small amount of mesenchymal stem cells.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell

A stem cell is a type of cell with the ability to transform into another cell. Adult mesenchymal stem cells are primarily found in connective tissues. These versatile cells can migrate from their original tissue to damaged areas, facilitating the repair of injured tissues. Additionally, they possess the capability to locate and address damage in other tissues. In adults, mesenchymal stem cells can be sourced from both bone marrow and adipose (fat) tissue, with the latter being four times more abundant than bone marrow. A single mesenchymal stem cell taken from an adult has the capacity to differentiate into approximately 100 different cell types, including bone, cartilage, muscle, nerve, liver, and pancreatic cells.

Features of mesenchymal stem cell: Mesenchymal stem cells have the ability to transform into other cells. They differ in appearance in the lung, stomach and bone tissue. The reason for this situation is the different conditions in the environment. Mesenchymal Stem Cells have the ability to fuse with damaged cells. It not only repairs the damage in its own tissue, but also passes to the other tissue and provides repair in case of damage in another tissue. Since they are of connective tissue origin, they can contribute to the development and function of relevant tissue cells. It can differentiate into connective tissue cells such as muscle, fat, bone, cartilage, tendon and ligament. In order to increase its number, it is necessary to multiply it in cultures that last for weeks in a special laboratory environment. This requires serious technology, infrastructure, experience and is costly. For this reason, Mesenchymal Stem Cells suitable for clinical use are produced in a limited number of centers in the world. All operations required for this process must be carried out in accordance with international standards (GMP Good manufacturing practice).

Hematopoietic Stem Cell (Blood Cell)

All of the blood cells in our body consist of young (immature) cells called hematopoietic stem cells. (The word hematopoietic means “blood-forming.”)

Stem cells are usually found in the bone marrow (the spongy core inside the bones) to divide to create new cells. They are unique cells that were first discovered, best defined, and have been successfully applied in the clinic for years. 

Functions of hematopoietic stem cells:

It controls basic mechanisms such as carrying oxygen to tissues, ensuring the functioning of the immune system, and controlling bleeding.

They are cells that can self-renew and differentiate and form all blood tissue.

Hematopoietic cancers (leukemia-lymphoma-myeloma), non-hematopoietic cancers,

Those with genetic and/or acquired bone marrow diseases:

It is used in aplastic anemia, thalassemias, sickle cell disease and, increasingly, in autoimmune diseases. 

Endothelial Stem Cell

Endothelial Stem Cells mature in the bone marrow, enter the circulation, concentrate in areas of vascular (vascular system) damage, and play a central role in repairing the damage. After Endothelial Stem Cells leave the bone marrow, they can transform into mature endothelial cells by undergoing some changes in their cell surface markers.

Endothelial Stem Cells treat existing vessels by multiplying and circulating according to their ability to divide. 

Autologous Stem Cell Production


By multiplying the cells in our body that do not have the ability to transform into any other cell other than themselves, in a clinical environment; Giving it to the missing area is called autologous cell production.


